Snack Review: Croque Glace from L’Artisan des Glaces

If you find yourself wandering around World Showcase in Epcot, there is a fantastic ice cream shop toward the back of the France Pavilion.

You’ll want to walk past the fountains, turn into the alleyway and on the left hand side you’ll find a little shop called L’Artisan des Glaces.

The eatery has a variety of ice cream and sorbet to satisfy any palate.  My absolute favorite is the Crouque Glace.  Here the cast member takes a brioche bun (a bread-like French pastry that is light and fluffy with a hint of sweetness), slices it in half and puts a rather large scoop of the ice cream of your choosing in the middle.  The ice cream is drizzled with chocolate or raspberry sauce before the brioche is put into a press and warmed.

The result is an amazing ice cream sandwich that is done to perfection and served in a newspaper-like wrapping to give it a Parisian street food feel.

Next time you visit Epcot give L’Artisan des Glaces a try.  You won’t regret it!

Eating Disney at Home: Fresh Fruit Waffle Sandwich

One of my favorite things to eat at Disney is the Fresh Fruit Waffle Sandwich from Sleepy Hollow. In fact, getting some version of this picture has become one of my traditions.

For those not familiar, this is a waffle with hazelnut spread on it, covered in fresh fruit – strawberries, bananas, and blueberries. I’m not a fan of bananas, so I usually request those be left off.

Sleepy Hollow (located in Liberty Square in the Magic Kingdom) also offers a Sweet and Spicy Chicken Waffle sandwich. I haven’t tried it, but I’ve heard positive reviews. They also have a variety of other snacks, including Funnel Cakes and an Ice Cream Cookie Sandwich that I can confirm is delicious! With castle-view seating, it’s the perfect spot for an afternoon snack. You can see their entire menu here.

The Fresh Fruit Waffle Sandwich is one of those snacks that I crave when I’m at home, and luckily, it’s also one that is easy to replicate. And the best part is that you can customize it with all of your favorite fruit!

This one is pretty simple: fire up your waffle maker (bonus points for Mickey-shaped waffles!) and prepare your other ingredients. I chose pineapple, strawberries, and blueberries.

Spread the Nutella to your liking (my liking is a thick, delicious layer), and then add your fruit on top. Turn on some Disney music, close your eyes, and pretend you’re sitting in front of the castle. This is a perfect weekend breakfast, and makes me miss my favorite place a little less.