Are You Ready to Brave Disney on a Holiday?

If you ever dreamed of spending a Thanksgiving or Christmas at Disney World, you are not alone!  Thousands descend upon the parks during the holiday season, but don’t be surprised if even your fellow Disney lovers don’t share your excitement.  Just ask on any Disney-related Facebook page about traveling the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day and you’re sure to be flooded with negative commentary…masses of people, hour long waits, Fastpasses gone by noon, impossible to make dining reservations… every worst case scenario you could imagine.

A Thanksgiving trip so perfect, we even got a Christmas card out of the deal!

Does this mean you’ll never get a chance to meet Santa Goofy or see the fireworks extravaganza on New Year’s Eve?   Of course not!  Spending a major holiday at Disney can easily be done with some planning and flexibility, and give you unforgettable memories to last a lifetime!

Santa Goofy in Dinoland, Animal Kingdom

Know Before You Go!

I was born on Thanksgiving Day, and had my heart set on celebrating my 45th birthday at Magic Kingdom.  Even better?  I realized it was going to fall on Thanksgiving that year!  Being a teacher, I don’t have the flexibility to travel when I choose.  I often only get to travel during the busiest and most expensive times of the year.  Even so, the thought of celebrating my birthday at Disney was unbelievably exciting!  I didn’t need to check the crowd calendars to confirm it would be a “red” level day…but it reminded me that I would have to take advantage of every pre-planning tool and trick I have!    (Helpful Hint:  Both Touring Plans and Kenny the Pirate have very popular crowd calendars to help you plan your trip.)

A magic shot celebrating my birthday at the happiest place on Earth!

Take Advantage of Pre-Planning Tools

The key to getting exactly what you want is by booking your top choices as early as possible.  If you are an on-site guest (staying on Disney property), this means you can book your ADRs (Advance Dining Reservations) 180 days in advance!   Fastpasses for rides and attractions can be booked 60 days in advance.  If you are staying off-site, you can make your Fastpass selections 30 days in advance once you link your park tickets.  Off-site guests can book 180 days in advance as well, but can only book reservations day by day, instead of for the duration of your trip.

Lumiere ornament on Beast’s tree.
Thanksgiving Day lunch at Be Our Guest
Mrs. Potts ornament in the main hall.

By logging in to My Disney Experience at 6:00 am EST, I was able to not only book Be Our Guest for lunch, but Cinderella’s Royal Table for our Thanksgiving dinner!  If you don’t know, these are two of the most sought after dining reservations in Magic Kingdom any day of the year, and I was able to score them both for Thanksgiving!  Woot!  Woot!  You can call to reserve your ADRs starting at 7:00 am EST. But, if you are tech savvy you can do it online, allowing you to start booking an hour earlier!  (Helpful Hint:  When your window for booking dining opens up, you will be able to book all the meals for your entire trip.  Prioritize your holiday dining first, as these will be the hardest reservations to get!)

Our view from Cinderella’s Royal Table during Thanksgiving dinner.
Seasonal menu offering…turkey and all the fixings!
Cinderella greets us pre-meal in her beautiful seasonal dress!

Dining experiences aren’t the only events that can be booked 180 days in advance.  My daughter wanted the royal treatment, so I booked a princess make-over at Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique right in the castle!  We were also able to reserve our spots for the Tomorrowland Terrace Fireworks Dessert Party for that evening.  Pretty cool, right?  It’s not every day you get fireworks on your birthday!  (Helpful Hint:  While at times the Dessert Party has been bookable 180 days in advance, it isn’t always consistent.  Sometimes it opens up without notice, or won’t be offered until 60 days prior, so keep checking back!)

Fairy Godmothers working their magic at the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique!
Tomorrowland Terrace Fireworks Dessert Party photo op!
Wishes and birthday fireworks!

At 60 days out on-site guests can book their Fastpasses!  Remember, you no longer have to stay up until midnight…you can now start booking these online at 7:00 am EST.  Popular meet and greets and rides like Seven Dwarfs Mine Train and Space Mountain will go fast, so lock into your top choices!  At the very least, you know you will have three rides with minimal waits, compared to the hours-long waits that will develop by the afternoon.  Feeling overwhelmed?  Check out my blog post about using a Disney spreadsheet to see all your plans at a glance!  The Agony (and Ecstasy!) of the Disney Spreadsheet

Pre-booking your fastpasses are a must on holidays!

Front Load Your Day and Strategize, Strategize, Strategize!

Yes, I know it is your vacation and not a military operation, but holidays at Disney are no time to sleep in!  First, take advantage of Extra Magic Hours, or EMH.  While typically offered year-round, Parks offer additional extended hours around their busiest days.  On alternating days, some Parks may open early, and other Parks may stay open hours later.  On Thanksgiving morning we found out that Magic Kingdom would be opening not one, but two hours early!  We were stoked for a 7:00 a.m. opening!  It’s not everyday you have a chance to watch the sun rise over the Train Station!

Extra Magic Hours pre-dawn shot!

Next, show up for Rope Drop!  While this can be used synonymously with “park opening”, at Magic Kingdom there is actually a daily show! This Welcome Show is performed about ten minutes before the park opens and is a highlight of every trip!  The Main Street Citizens sing and dance while waiting for the Disney World train to pull into the train station with Mickey and friends, as well as the Family of the Day!  (Helpful Hint:  Though it’s a long shot, being early and chatting up the Cast Members greatly increases your family’s chance of being chosen for Family of the Day!)

Rope Drop Welcome Show…around 6:50 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day!

Finally, strategically plan your day!  Getting to the Park at 6:30 a.m. has its advantages…uncrowded buses, nonexistent wait times, even the opportunity to take pictures of Cinderella Castle without hordes of people!

Cinderella Castle early Thanksgiving morning

Fastpasses can’t be booked during Extra Magic Hours, so we had two full hours with the Park to ourselves before the official 9:00 a.m. opening.  We headed straight for my son’s favorite ride in Tomorrowland-Astro Orbiter.  Not only were we the first riders of the day, but we had the ride exclusively to ourselves!  In fact, the Cast Member asked if we would like to ride again, as a line hadn’t formed yet.  It was a little chilly for the three of us, but my son jumped at the chance!  We have video of Luke as the solo rider-so cool!!

Solo rider on Astro Orbiter…makes the early wake-up more than worth it!

For the next two hours, we rode practically every ride in Fantasyland and Tomorrowland, and met multiple characters.  We even rode some rides twice!  By that time we were starting to get hungry since we had gotten up so early, so we were happy to have booked an early lunch at Be Our Guest.

By the time we finished eating the Park had become very crowded…we were lucky we had saved our three Fastpasses!  We only booked one of our three for the morning, as we knew we were taking advantage of the Extra Magic Hours.  We saved two for the late afternoon when we knew the Park would be mobbed!  (Helpful Hint:  Now, you can make additional Fastpasses through the My Disney Experience app once you use up your first three.  You may want to front load your day with all three in order to then be able to book your fourth, then fifth, etc. OR spread out your three knowing the Fastpasses for the most desirable attractions are likely to be gone early on high capacity days.)

Enchanted Tales with Belle is a hit with both my kids…and my daughter even got chosen to play the Beast!

Make a Day of It…and Embrace the Madness!

If at all possible, plan to stay for the entire day.  If the Parks hit capacity, they reserve the right to start park closures.  Though rare, it’s not uncommon for Magic Kingdom to hit a Phase 3 closure on New Years or July 4th.  There are levels of closures that first hit only day guests, then off-site guests, then park hoppers and people attempting to re-enter the park, and finally guests on Disney property.  Don’t over-stress about this…in the last ten years Magic Kingdom has only had a single Phase 4 closure, which effectively closes the Park to all new guests!

Starting to feel a bit busy behind the castle…!

Though we knew we were taking a risk, we did head back to the Wilderness Lodge after our early lunch.  Knowing we were on-site guests with both dinner and fireworks reservations meant only a Phase 4 Closure could keep us out, and we knew that had never happened on Thanksgiving Day before!  (And a monorail couldn’t get you there any faster than the five minute bus ride to Magic Kingdom!  Perfect location!)

Wilderness Lodge’s Silver Creek Springs Pool…I couldn’t keep my children off the waterslide!

We spent some relaxing hours at the Silver Creek Springs pool (and maybe at the Trout Bass Bar, as well!!) and it was heavenly!  Though the air temperature was unseasonably cold for November, the pool was heated and steam rose above its surface!  After some waterslides and Banana Cabanas, we were ready for round two!

Trout Pass Pool Bar refreshments!
Who doesn’t love swimming in November??

Our plan for the crowded late afternoon was simple…show up for our dinner reservation at Cinderella’s Royal Table, ride our two remaining Fastpass rides and hit the Tomorrowland Terrace Fireworks Dessert Party!  The rest of the time we were free to enjoy the theming and gorgeous Christmas decorations, see the characters decked out in their finest holiday garb and mug for the cameras!

Poinsettias, toy soldiers and Christmas trees!
Some holiday cheer with Stitch!
The last year the holiday decorations were extended over Main Street…
Main Street, USA!

Though there will always be crowds, heading to the Parks on a major holiday is something you can easily check off your Disney Bucket List!  I have to say-my special day in Magic Kingdom is my most cherished and memorable birthday to date!  With some advance planning, flexibility and Pixie Dust you can have your turkey and eat it, too!

The Train Station in the wee hours of the morning…some time after 1:00 a.m…beautiful!

Jacqueline lives in Southbury, CT, with her husband and two children.  You can follow her on Instagram at @morphingintominnie.

The Agony (and Ecstasy!) of the Disney Spreadsheet

Nothing makes this typical first-born, Type A teacher and Disney lover more excited than creating a spreadsheet for an upcoming trip!  As my fellow Type A planners raise their collective highlighters in solidarity, I know that many of you are already groaning.  But it’s a vacation!  We like to go with the flow!  Why can’t we sleep in? How the heck should I know what ride I want to ride 60 days in advance, let alone what restaurant I’ll want to eat in six months from now?  Let me show you how this one page “cheatsheet” can change not only how you plan for Disney, but guarantee a magical, fun-packed trip unlike any you’ve done before!

A well-planned spreadsheet helps us balance our “must-do’s” with our desire for spontaneity!

The Pros:

  • The hard work is already done!  You’ve chosen which park (or parks) you’d like to visit each day based on published park hours.  Dining reservations are reserved according to park or resort. You’ve even booked your three Fastpass attractions based on where you’ll be each day!
  • Your entire vacation at a glance…travel itinerary, park hours, and EMH! (Extra Magic Hours for guests staying on-site)
  • A “cheatsheet” for every ADR (advance dining reservation), FP (Fastness) and special event you’re planning on attending.
  • Flexibility!  (I promise!  More on that later…!)
A sample spreadsheet for a five day Disney trip.

The Cons:  (Cue crickets…!)  I’m going to be honest…the only real con is that this type of planning might not be your typical “modus operandi”!  Sure, sleeping in and deciding rides and meals spur-of-the-moment sounds great…but when your first 45 minute line of the day is just to get through bag check late morning, you might want to rethink that!  Those early birds who were there at Rope Drop already have a half dozen rides under their belts, and reserved all of the most desirable Fastpasses for the entire day.  (Think Seven Dwarfs Mine Train and Anna and Elsa before they moved to Epcot!)  Of course, Be Our Guest restaurant is full and not taking walk-ins today…and not a lot of other (air conditioned!) options exist for same day dining!

As a result, most of the negative travel reviews you hear about Disney are from frustrated guests who don’t realize that sometimes paying a lot of money isn’t the only requirement for a successful trip.  Planning in advance is becoming more and more of a necessity, like it or not!  The good news?  It’s not hard at all!

Creating Your Spreadsheet

So, where do you start?  Luckily, you don’t have to be an Excel guru in order to create a simple spreadsheet!  In fact, I simply use Word on my Mac to fashion mine from columns and rows!  First, I select the number of columns…one column for every travel or park day.  Shorter trips like runDisney race weekends have less columns, longer trips like week-long vacas with the fam have more columns!

Next, the number of rows depends on how you schedule your Disney vacation!  I typically have rows for park destination and hours, all three meals of the day, rides and attractions including scheduled Fastpasses and characters, and special events.  For runDisney challenge weekends I will also include a row for that day’s race!

Rows correspond with your daily schedule.

Once you have your designated number of columns and rows, simply click and drag to the desired size!  You are now ready to plug in all your plans!

Making Your Plans POP!

I love using my highlighting tool to make my plans POP!  I’ll use one color to designate all of my Table Service (TS) meals, and another color for Quick Service (QS).  Scheduled Fastpasses and their hour windows will also get their own color!  (I even like to sneak in an asterisk * to indicate if certain attractions include an on-ride photo!)  Also, special events like parades and fireworks get color-coded, too, plus any additional events you may schedule such as the Tomorrowland Terrace Fireworks Dessert Party or Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique!

Consider color-coding different information, such as table and quick service dining, Fastpasses and special events.

What kind of a Disney Traveler Are You?  A Spreadsheet for Everyone!

Extra boxes?  Fill ’em up with info specific to your travel plans!  The spreadsheet works for every type of Disney trip!

runDisney Runners  Plug in your races, their mileage and the Expo hours! I also include start times (way too early!) and where each race begins and ends.   Don’t forget to book your carb-loading ADRs, as well as your post-race feast!  Will run for Mickey waffles!  (Can you say ‘Ohana???)

Spreadsheets are perfect to organize your race times and Expo hours for runDisney events.

Special Needs  If someone in your party is eligible for the DAS (Disability Access Service) card, you can include Guest Services locations at each park, as well as First Aid stations and companion restrooms.  We also like to use the spreadsheet to designate at least one more ride for our son with autism to use his DAS for in addition to our three Fastpasses.  (Helpful Hint:  Thought the DAS can be used for rides that don’t offer Fastpass, it cannot be used for character meet and greets that don’t have a Fastness option.)

Astro Orbiter is always a must-do for our son!

Party Animals  Most people have heard about Special Events such as Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party in Magic Kingdom and the Candlelight Processional in Epcot, but some die-hard Disney fans make it their business to experience all the brand-new, just-announced events!  Use your spreadsheet to plug in The Parisian Breakfast at Les Chefs de France only offered during the International Food and Wine Festival in Epcot, or the seasonal Club Villain dining (and drinking! and dancing!) event at Hollywood Studios!

Club Villain made the cut! Any special event can be included on your spreadsheet.

Collectors  A spreadsheet is also a great place to feed your addiction!  Include the locations of the pressed penny machines at the resorts and parks.  Add the locations of scheduled character meet and greets to collect those autographs. Research the best places to get those iconic photos and Magic Shots by the Disney Photopass photographers!  Our kids love them!

Locations of Photopass photographers are available for every park!

Feeling Overbooked?

You won’t!  That Crystal Palace lunch you booked at the Magic Kingdom six months ago?  You just bought yourself an hour and a half in air-conditioning where you can post to Facebook while recharging both your iPhone and yourself!   In addition, you’re enjoying seconds from the buffet, while the kiddies mainline chicken nuggets and use the restroom.  Even better, the kids are mugging for the camera as the characters come to YOU!

A well-planned advance dining reservation will be a welcome break from the crowds and the heat!

Those three back-to-back Fastpasses you booked half a year ago?   You haven’t given up your whole morning…most rides and attractions are only a few minutes long!  If you head over to your Fastpass at the beginning of the window (even up to five minutes early!) and ride Space Mountain promptly at 10:00 am, and wait to the end of the hour window to ride your next Fastness at 11:50, you have almost two hours of unplanned, unscheduled down time!  Plenty of time to grab a Mickey bar, visit the Hall of Presidents and get a Magic Shot in front of Cinderella Castle!  Walk through the Rose Garden.  Check out Rapunzel’s fancy bathroom.  Waltz down Main Street, USA window shopping for souvenirs-you’re in no hurry!

Though Maleficent herself could not make me miss Rope Drop, with some flexibility, a good travel plan and a personalized spreadsheet, you just might be able to squeeze in a few extra winks, and STILL do everything your heart desires! Just remember-don’t forget your highlighter!

Evidence of a well-planned day at Disney!