A Pirate’s Adventure: Treasures of the Seven Seas

Did you know that there’s a place in the Magic Kingdom where you and your little (or big) buccaneers can go on an interactive pirate adventure? Until our last trip, I had always passed it by without a second glance. On a particularly busy park day when I was off at a race meetup, my husband decided to try it as an alternative to standing in another long line with the kids. When I met back up with them, all I heard about was how much fun it was and how they couldn’t wait for me to try it.  Everyone loved it – from the toddler to the teen to the grown-up, it was a hit!

On our next day at Magic Kingdom, they insisted we go play. We walked over to the “Crow’s Nest”, located just past the Adventureland sign as you’re heading toward Frontierland.  One person in our party went inside, since it’s a fairly small space, and picked a map they hadn’t previously completed. The game is loaded onto your Magic Band, and each child is given their own map. Within just a couple of minutes, we were off!

The maps are really cool souvenirs. There are five different adventures, and they are all contained within Adventureland. Each map has around six clues, each one leading to the next. If you’re familiar with the area, you will probably complete each one within about 20 minutes. When you discover the clue, you tap your Magic Band to activate it. There are some really fun effects! We had a great time discovering each one.

Once you complete the entire map, you can return to the Crow’s Nest and select another adventure. We were given special cards for completing each one, and got an even cooler reward when we told the Cast Member we had completed the entire set. I won’t spoil what that one was, but I will be happy to share if you’d like to know.

When you’re exhausted but can’t bear to let go of your treasure map!

This is one adventure that we’ll definitely be embarking on again! We all enjoyed it, and I’d recommend it for pirates of all ages.