Running on Empty-a Glass Slipper Challenge Recap from a Rundown Runner

My best friend and I wait ALL YEAR for this.  Seriously, we spend 361 days putting our kids, husbands, jobs and lives first, with the carrot of these four days at Princess Half Marathon Weekend to get us through!  We eat too much, drink too much, laugh too loud, log too many miles and don’t get nearly enough sleep.  And then we can’t wait to do it all again the following year.

Our first Princess Weekend-February 2015!

So when I felt a sinus infection coming on about a week and a half earlier, I marched straight to the doctor.  Sinus infection AND bronchitis, I was told.  Not great news-but hey-I rarely get sick, and I’ll be fine by Princess!  Except I wasn’t.  Two days before take-off I was back, for more meds, more inhalers and a third diagnosis-walking pneumonia.

Pre-Race Huddle

The night before the 10K, my best friend, Tiffany, and I had a heart-to-heart.  The 5K had gone well that morning, but my cough was getting worse, and we knew we wouldn’t get a lot of sleep (again) with a 2:00 a.m. wake-up call and a 3:30 a.m. bus ride.  Luckily, we were both placed in Corral A for the 10K, so we knew we had a bit of a buffer to play it by ear if the course got tough for me.  We laid out our race costumes and bibs and logged a few hours of precious shut-eye!

Corral A for the 10K, Corral D for the Half!

Corral Confidence

My doctor had given me the green light to run as long as I didn’t push it.  He even said the running would make my lungs feel less tight. Fingers crossed,  we looked for friends in our corral, mugged for selfies and took our signature “shadow picture”.  We had coordinated our running costumes for this year’s theme-Beauty and the Beast-and were all decked out as Provincial Belle (me) and the Beast (Tiffany).  What could go wrong?

Belle and Beast!
Our signature shadow pic! Love our props!

The Enchanted 10K

Just like the day before at the Princess 5K, corrals were released in mini-waves and we were on our way! We always run for a solid five minutes before we start our intervals, and I felt pretty good.  It was when we resumed intervals that I knew I was in trouble.  As long as I was running, I was fine.  It was when I stopped to walk that my body became wracked with coughing.


We passed under Moana, who was waving and encouraging us from the overpass.  How Far I’ll Go was booming out over the loudspeakers, and everyone was excited and singing along.  Not long after, we ran through the Welcome to Disney World tollbooths.  Normally, my typically giddy self would be snapping photos and documenting every moment, but I was a bit in my head worrying about how early we were in the race, and how awful my lungs felt.

We needed a new plan-the starting and stopping was killing me.  My cough was so dry that no amount of water could help me.  Even my newest accessory-the inhaler in my Sparkle Skirt pocket-was of limited value.  We determined that I couldn’t run intervals, and Tiffany hadn’t trained to run straight through.  We were going to have to split up.  Surprisingly, this upset me even more than the idea of just being compromised health-wise.

The new plan involved me running as far as I could, then taking an extended rest to recover.  (Think really long intervals!)  This should work, as I had recently run the Wine & Dine Half in November in 2:21, only stopping for character stops.  We were hoping my rest breaks would coincide with character lines, giving Tiffany a chance to catch up and allowing us to run together for short periods of time.  I raced ahead and got in line for the Old Hag from Snow White.

The panic on my face was real-and related to my health.

Well, somehow I missed Tiffany.  Or she missed me.  And then I had to stop at a port-a-potty.  (When you are a 48 year old woman with a bad cough who’s had multiple pregnancies you realize for the first time just how important it is to keep an empty bladder!  LOL!)  I texted her, but it was never received.  I was on my own, and heading into the World Showcase at Epcot.

Epcot’s World Showcase

Luckily, there were a few character stops not that far apart, and real bathrooms, too!  I met with Pinocchio and Geppetto in Germany, then Marie from the Aristocats in France.  There was also an awesome photo op with oversized champagne bottles, but I was a little out of sorts and kind of overshot it.

Photo op with Geppetto and Pinocchio!
Marie in France!

As I headed into Disney’s boardwalk area, I was becoming increasingly disoriented.  The cough was bad and my chest felt tight.  I was still looking for Tiffany and had no idea if she was behind me or in front of me.  I passed Genie in his vacation wear and decided not to stop-a rarity for me.  Then I did something I had never done during a race-I took a phone call!  It was Tiffany, and she had finished the race!  I remember being so confused…how could I have gotten two miles behind??

At this point I was standing behind cones on the boardwalk, out of the way of other runners.  In my infinite wisdom I decided this would be a great time to try a running jump for the Photopass photographer since there was no one around as I re-entered the race.  It was not my best idea.  LOL!

When great ideas go wrong…!

At that point I just wanted to finish and be reunited with Tiffany.  I bypassed Royal Minnie (and her very long line) and stopped only for a jumping pic in front of Spaceship Earth.  (This one went a little better.)

“I want adventure in the great wide somewhere…!”

I finally crossed the finish line, collected my medal and found Tiffany.  She had been waiting to meet Aurora and was at the front of the line.  I chugged down my meds with some Powerade and posed for the cameras!  I was in Beast Mode now that we were done!

Showing off our medals to Aurora!
Two medals down, two to go!

Now off to celebrate surviving the 10K!  We headed straight to a pre-park opening breakfast at Akershus, where we got to meet Belle in all of our coordinating glory!

Even our Photopass photographer at Akershus was impressed with our level of detail! LOL!

But the most fun we had was reenacting the Belle and Beast topiary scene in Epcot’s France.  We had to rely on the kindness of strangers, but we finally got the picture just right!

Kind of awesome when your bff has a flair for the dramatic, too…!

Princess Half Marathon

The good news-we had logged more sleep than we ever had before a Half. We were in bed by 10:00, guaranteeing us a full four hours!  (Don’t laugh-this is a VAST improvement from the year before, when we closed Hollywood Studios after an evening of drinking and dancing at Club Villain and missed the last bus!)  My body was also so tired from the exertions of the day that if I was coughing, I didn’t remember.

The “Ella” sisters ready for the Half-Cruella and Cinderella!

Once in the corrals, we were still debating if we should start together in E, Tiffany’s corral, or if I should get a head start by starting in D, my corral.  We decided to start together, and that I would run ahead and secure our spots in the longest character lines.  At least that was the plan.  After the National Anthem and fireworks, Corral E was off!

I never get tired of fireworks…!

Our strategy worked well for the first few big character stops.  We got to meet with Captain Jack Sparrow in front of the big pirate ship, and got a picture with the “Heroes”, too.  The last few years they have included Flynn Ryder/Eugene, Prince Eric, John Smith from Pocahontas and some guy everyone debates…Hercules?  We passed on meeting Princess Elena (Our Disney Jr. years are over, thank goodness!) and then went our separate ways when it was time to resume our separate paces.

Pirate photo op! Jack Sparrow and friend!
The Heroes! Prince Eric, Flynn, John Smith and ???

I had every intention of pushing through.  I thought about stopping for Mrs. Incredible up ahead, but was then relieved to see she was taking a break.  Then I saw them-Villains!  Dressed as Cruella DeVille, there was no way I was missing a photo op with both the Evil Queen and Maleficent!  Waiting in the ridiculously long line, I felt a mixture of relief and panic.  Relief to be in a line long enough to fully recover from the relentless coughing, and panic to be taking such a long break so early in the race.

Cruella meets the Evil Queen!
Bad girls!

I slogged the rest of the way to Magic Kingdom.  I couldn’t get out of my own head.  It was the first time since I started running three years ago that I just simply couldn’t put in the training and show up and rely on muscle memory.  While I could still take in and appreciate the magic of running down Main Street, USA, it was secondary to the internal dialogue in my head monitoring my breathing, pace and stamina.  It was humbling.

Trying to stay focused and catch up to Tiffany.

Tiffany texted me to let me know she was in line for Gaston behind the castle.  It gave me some focus and I hustled between miles 5-6…running through the tunnel by the Contemporary, down Main Street, USA, and through Tomorrowland without stopping.  I didn’t have a second to spare-when I got there Tiffany was only two people away!  Gaston made googly-eyes at her, but when it was my turn I reminded him not to waste his time on good girls.  He told me that he liked my style-and we’d get along just fine.  😉

Googly eyes for Tiffany.
Villains Unite!

We’d barely started running again when we came upon the Beast himself, directly in front of his restaurant, Be Our Guest!  We immediately hopped in the queue-he was newly redesigned and magnificent!  We’d be eating breakfast there the next morning, but the Beast only greets guests at dinner, so he’s pretty sought after, especially because of the weekend’s theme!

The Beast-one of the weekend’s guests of honor!

Now for the part of the race every Princess dreams of-running through Cinderella Castle!  As we passed the carousel, we could see Frozen’s Anna, Elsa and Kristoff in the castle waving from above as Let It Go blasted through the sound system.  We ran through the tunnel with more runners than we were use to, and then were rerouted one of two ways-to the front of the castle for photo ops there, or to the right for running photo ops with the castle behind you.  We got front and center for the money shot!

A bit crowded through the castle!
Cinderella Castle!!!

It was a bit of a let down once we wound our way around Frontierland and exited Magic Kingdom.  Another six miles of highway running still stood between us and finishing the Half.  The sun was up, the course was narrow and crowded, and I was feeling increasingly worse.  However, runDisney still had plenty of distractions for us!  We passed Vacation Genie with his golf cart, tons of cheering fans at the Grand Floridian and even the elusive glass slipper itself!

Cruella thought about stealing off with this…!

Once we passed the green army man on the big hill, it was across the overpass and on our way into Epcot!  I was thrilled to be running with Tiffany, and we’d be finishing the rest of this one together!  We primarily walked between miles 9-12, which felt strange.  My body was sooo grateful though.  Mushu was waiting for us right inside the entrance to Epcot, and he had a great reaction when I commented, “Nice fur!” as Cruella DeVille!  LOL!

Mushu was a bit scared for his fur with Cruella around!

We were now in the home stretch and dug deep to run in that last mile and a half!  Requisite jumping pics by Spaceship Earth, some coordinated posing, and the cutest Princess Daisy character stop we’d ever seen!  The Gospel Choir at mile 13 even had me singing hallelujah!  LOL!  It had been a rough three days of running, but it was all worth it!

Putting on a brave face for the photogs!
Love this girl!
Spaceship Earth jumping shot!
Princess Daisy!

For the first time ever in my short runDisney career, there were tears crossing the finish line.  Tears that my body had allowed me to finish, tears that my training had held even though I hadn’t been able to run the week and a half leading up to the races, tears that I had such a supportive friend.

Never so happy to cross the finish line!

We collected our medal for the Half, then made a beeline for the Fairy Godmothers at the finish line, who were sprinkling runners with pixie dust!  Next, we grabbed our Glass Slipper Challenge medals, our snack boxes and banana (phones) and headed over for a pic with Snow White.

We really earned these!
Hello?  Is it time for breakfast at ‘Ohana yet?
Snow White was a good sport for our selfie!

We got one last surprise…we ran into the Princess Men!  We met these guys when they ran two years ago, and this year they were all back (and heavily bearded!) to continue to inspire on the course!  Though I could have used them earlier, it was exciting meeting them again and knowing they had their own amazing stories to tell!


My earlier tears quickly gave way to gratitude.  I cannot tell you how much respect and admiration I have for women who run with on-going or temporary health challenges.  Every mile was a conscious decision to continue, and I can’t imagine having that constantly in the forefront of my thinking.  Our bodies are absolutely amazing, and I am grateful for what mine allowed me to do, not just this weekend, but every weekend.

Once I got home, much like childbirth, I conveniently forgot the worst of running 22 miles sick.  Armed with four new shiny medals, two new prescriptions and more Photopass pictures than I’d care to admit, it took me less than a week to sign up for next year’s Princess’ Fairy Tale Challenge.  I just hope this year I can leave the inhaler at home!

Jacqueline lives in Connecticut with her husband, two children and cat.  You can follow her on Instagram at @morphingintominnie.









Kicking off a Magical Race Weekend: Tips for a Successful Expo Experience

We are less than three weeks away from the Health and Fitness Expo that will kick off Disney’s Wine & Dine Half Marathon Weekend! I love going to the expo. For me, it’s the start of the race experience. It can be crowded and overwhelming, but with proper planning, you can see (and hopefully buy!) everything that you want. Remember, you have to go to the expo to pick up your race bib, and you have to show ID – no one else can pick up your bib! If you’ve pre-ordered items (pins, a Dooney, etc.), you will also pick those up at the expo.

I always look forward to expo day!


Tip #1: Arrive Early

The expo is held at the ESPN Wide World of Sports, and officially opens at 10:00 am, but in my experience, they usually open the doors early on the first day. If there’s specific merchandise that you have your heart set on, you will want to arrive as early as possible – lines will be L-O-O-O-N-G just to get in the door. If you don’t care about merch and just want to get your bib and get out, then you might want to consider waiting until later in the day, or even going on another day when the crowds are much lower.

What’s the best way to get to the expo? I have taken a bus from the resort (follow the signs for the race transportation, DO NOT go to the regular bus stop for the parks), and I have also driven and taken a taxi. The only advantage to driving is that you can get there earlier than on the bus. In my past experience, the bus came in a timely manner and wasn’t too crowded. I believe they start running 30 minutes prior to the expo opening, so be at the bus stop early!

HP Field House – packet pickup inside!


Tip #2: Know Your Plan

Many times you have to go into two different buildings – the HP Field House for your bib, and the Jostens Center for your shirt (usually the shirts are at the very back of the room on the left side). At some events, the shirts will be with the bibs, but the vendors will always be in the Jostens Center. If there is specific merchandise that you have your heart set on, go to the Jostens Center FIRST. There will be signs and cast members directing you where to go. This will mean going back and forth – buying merch, then going across the street for your bib, then coming back again for your shirt(s). But the merchandise goes quickly, especially jackets and wine glasses. Hit the official runDisney merchandise booth first, and go in with some idea of what you want. In the past, runDisney has provided a preview of some of the merchandise on Facebook a few days in advance. I usually decide which are the “must-have” items for me, and try to grab them first, before I peruse the rest of the booth. Expect to see jackets, tech shirts, “I did it!” shirts, wine glasses, pins, sweaty bands, car magnets, etc. If you are with a friend, it may be wise to divide and conquer for the most coveted items. Know what sizes you need, and each of you have a designated item to get.

2015 Princess Half Marathon Expo!

If this is your first expo, you may also want to take a look at the expo map beforehand, to get an idea of which vendors will be there. Budget for how much you’ll want to spend – there are LOTS of vendors! Sparkle Skirts and Raw Threads are usually there with big displays, and there will be lots and lots of other eye-catching booths with running attire, headbands, jewelry, medal racks, and other running gear.

RunDisney Expo: so much to see!


Tip #3: Pack Your Patience

Especially if you are attending the first morning, expect to stand in lines. Lots and lots of lines. A line to get in the door, sometimes a line to get into the runDisney merchandise booth. Definitely a long line to check out with your newfound runDisney merch (and don’t forget – you can use your AP or other discounts for your official gear!). There will also be lines to get your bib. And if you don’t bring a signed copy of your waiver along, you’ll have to wait in another line to print one off before going in for your bib. Just like at the parks, the expo is going to involve some waiting.

Lines for bib pickup.


Tip #4: Allow Yourself Enough Time

Plan for enough time that you won’t feel rushed if you have to stand in lines, and also time to walk around and take everything in. The expo should be a fun experience, not a stressful one. Remember to allow a few extra minutes for walking from the parking lot inside, and then to two different buildings. Also remember that the expo buses only run to the resorts, they will not take you to a park. Be mindful of this when planning your day or any dining reservations.


Tip #5: Sign Up in Advance for New Balance!

Want a pair of those coveted runDisney New Balance shoes? Typically at 6:00 am each morning, you will be able to sign up for a virtual queue to try them on. You will be able to select a style/size that will be held for you, and you will receive a text when it is your turn to go to the booth. There may not be as much of a demand later in the year (and since the older models were just on sale at the outlets), but for new models at the races early in the year, the demand is extremely high. If you don’t sign up for a time slot, you will have to wait in yet another line just to get into the New Balance booth.

Getting my hands on these beauties was definitely a highlight from my first expo!


Tip #6: Take Pictures!

There will be opportunities for pictures from the time you walk up the sidewalk (large banners with the race logos or medals on them). Inside, there is usually a background or two for photos. If you follow runDisney on Instagram, you can usually have a fun picture taken with some sort of special effect (you just have to show them on your phone that you follow them).  Occasionally there is even a character, but this isn’t the norm. At the Star Wars Dark Side expo, I waited about 40 minutes to meet BB-8 (he was in a separate tent). This was unusual for an expo, but it was definitely worth it, since I didn’t have to wait the following mornings in the long pre-race lines.

I was so excited to meet BB-8!


Fun effects from the 2015 Wine & Dine Expo.


Tip #7: Take Advantage of the Speaker Series

Another really cool thing about the runDisney expo is the Speaker Series. At various times throughout the day, there will be short seminars on running, training, and nutrition. You can get some advice from Jeff Galloway, Tara Gidus, and other running professionals. They usually run 30 minutes to one hour, and past seminars have included information for spectators, costume inspiration, training tips, and race nutrition. There is occasionally a celebrity speaker, as well.


Tip #8: Socialize!

Walking around the expo (and standing in those aforementioned lines) is a great way to meet fellow runners. If you are part of a running team or even just one of the many Disney Facebook groups, odds are good that you’ll see someone that you know – or at least someone that you recognize from social media. Don’t hesitate to say hello! One of my favorite things about runDisney events is getting to see my running teammates and meet new people.

Coachmen outside the doors of the Princess Expo.

Jeff Galloway is also usually at the expo. He is extremely friendly and approachable, and many runners who have followed his program enjoy meeting him and sharing their success stories with him. There is usually a line to meet him, but he is always willing to take pictures and sign autographs. I have even seen runners have him sign their bibs or magic bands.

You can also interact with professionals and learn about new products, try fuel samples, and play games. The expo was the first place where I experienced The Stick, which is one of my favorite things now. Many runners also use this opportunity to get taped at the KT Tape booth.

If you’re feeling a little thirsty from all the shopping, there is usually a stand with beer and snacks somewhere on the expo floor. There will also be concessions on your way out of the Jostens Center (where the merchandise is found), and usually there is a stand outside with things like lemonade and pretzels.

Whether this is your first expo or you are an old pro, enjoy yourself and have patience with others. This is the beginning of an exciting, magical race weekend!


Do you have any questions about navigating the expo? Any additional tips? Let us know! We’d love to hear from you.