Adulting at Disney-5 Reasons to Leave the Kids at Home!

The first time I left the kids (and the hubby, for that matter!) to go to Disney with a friend, I didn’t feel a bit guilty.  I really needed it.  It was the first time I had gotten away solo since my oldest was born a decade before.  Like many moms, I worked two full-time jobs…one outside of the home, one in it. (And I didn’t get pay for the more demanding job-you moms can guess which one!)   You could say this trip was well-deserved!

The second time I went to Disney childless (and yes, again husbandless!) I did feel a small frisson of guilt.  It was Mother’s Day weekend after all, and here I was cavorting again with Mickey and Minnie, 2,000 miles away!  The kids were still supportive, but not quite as much!  LOL!

Character meet and greets are fun for grown-ups, too!

Before you judge me for being a terrible and self-centered mommy, you need to know that my kids haven’t wanted for much.  In the last three years, they have visited Disney four times…three visits to Disney World in Florida, and one to Disneyland in California.  They have more Disney tees, refillable mugs and Stitch plush than you can count!

Disney frequent flyers!

What they don’t always get is the chance to tag along for every trip-and that’s okay!  Here are five guilt-free reasons why a child-free trip to Disney is THE BEST!

5.  No Scheduling Snafus

During our first family trip, I mapped out our itinerary with the precision of a general executing a military drill.  Not just Fastpasses and ADRs, but wake-ups, built in rest periods, pool time, travel times, staggered bedtimes…you name it.  After all, the “ticking time bombs”, aka my two children, needed to be fed and watered regularly.  (Didn’t I just feed you two yesterday???)  Naps were a thing of the past at six and eight, but nothing can prepare you for those first exhausting rope-drop to Kiss Goodnight days at Magic Kingdom!

Crashing hard after a full day in the parks!

When I travel with my girlfriend, Tiffany, it is a totally different story!  We are not “fly by the seat of our pants” travelers by any means.  We still make our dining reservations religiously 180 days in advance, and Fastpasses at 60 days out.  The difference?  If we pack bathing suits and then decide not to swim (we never even saw the pool at Port Orleans Riverside!) no one has a meltdown!  If we see a rare character that we want to meet with a ridiculously long line, we just wait!  No frantically pawing through my backpack to see if I have enough Goldfish and crayons to weather the storm.

Two hour wait? Sure! All we have is time…!

Also, when I travel with my kids, they are go-go-go!  They might agree to ride the PeopleMover, if only to eat a quick snack and get out of the sun for a few minutes, but people watching?  No way!  So when I happened to find myself alone for a few hours at Magic Kingdom, I was able to scratch something off my bucket list.  A tour of Cinderella Castle?  The Keys to the Kingdom Tour? you may ask.  No, just a stop at the Main Street Bakery for my Iced Chai Latte to be enjoyed on the hub grass while the Festival of Fantasy parade passes by!  Sometimes it’s the little things…!

Starbucks AND the castle?  Yes, please!

4.  Easier Dining Decisions

I was going to be the mom whose kids ate everything…and I have failed miserably!  LOL!  Criteria for choosing restaurants at Disney largely hinges on the question, “Can you make a grilled cheese?”.  Don’t get me wrong… we have been able to take our children to some awesome restaurants.  They love the buffets and can usually find something they like, especially if it’s dessert!  We have been able to eat pizza at Via Napoli and cheeseburgers at Whispering Canyon Cafe.  But some more grownup-oriented dining options have eluded us for sure!

Via Napoli in Epcot’s Italy
Grown-up pizza…kids ordered cheese, of course!

Traveling with other adults opens up a whole world of other possibilities!  And I’m not even talking about the ultra-pricey and exclusive Victoria & Albert’s, though some day that would be lovely!  Dining child-free means you can skip a meal if you want to.  Or you can decide on the fly that a baked potato from Sleepy Hollow for a snack credit sounds like the perfect lunch!  Or simply having the flexibility to change plans at the last minute.  This happened to us when my friend woke up not feeling well one morning.  I just showed up solo at Garden Grill while my friend rested… much less complicated than regrouping around a sick little one.

An intimate, solo breakfast with Dale!

Two years ago, we traveled to Disney over our 19th anniversary.  We had been to ‘Ohana for breakfast with the kids, but wanted to have an adults-only celebratory dinner.  You see, my daughter is a vegetarian who doesn’t eat vegetables, and my son lives on pizza, so the “meat-on-a-stick” menu wasn’t going to work for them.  What’s a parent to do?  We found a win/win…we booked them for the Poly’s Kid Club! (Now Lilo’s Playhouse!) They played games, made crafts, and yes…ate pizza, while we enjoyed our beef, pork and most importantly, Lapu Lapus!

Meat on a stick…yummmm!
I would love a Lapu Lapu!

In addition to a host of fabulous restaurants, Epcot also has amazing food kiosks during seasonal special events.  When we visited as a family during the Flower and Garden Festival, the kids were impatient and wanted sit-down meals…none of this “tapas” BS.  The only special treat we were able to score was the Dole Whip with rum (which is pretty much my favorite!) so we had to settle for that.  When I attended the Food & Wine Festival after running Wine & Dine, we had a veritable feast!  Filet mignon and cheese soup from Canada, Apple Pie frozen cocktails in Poland…and yes, more of those delicious Dole Whip with rum floats!

Dole Whip rum floats at the Food & Wine Festival!

3.  More Attractive Attractions

I’ll admit it-my kids are adrenaline junkies.  They rode Tower of Terror at six and eight and never looked back.  Our Fastpass selections are primarily made up of multiple coasters and they argue the merits of Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster at Hollywood Studios vs. California Screamin’ at California Adventure!  In fairness, I love all these, too.  Except maybe not for every single ride.  Over and over.  Until the park closes.  And again the next day.

Riding Rock ‘n ‘Roller coaster…again!!

When I visit the Parks without my children, I’m able to go on some rides for the first time!  We had never seen Mickey’s Philharmonic-we were too busy racing off to Big Thunder Mountain-but I wandered in one afternoon during an adults-only trip to take a break from the heat.  It was fabulous!  Fun, funny and very engaging…I can’t wait to take my kids now!  Same with It’s Tough to Be a Bug.  I had never contemplated it before because reviews suggested that kids with sensory issues may be scared.  Now I know my son will love the gross-out humor!  (However, I think it was a “one-and-done” for Tiffany!  LOL!)

2. Run, Run runDisney Races

After running my first three runDisney challenge weekends, I wanted to get my family in on the fun.  This was especially true for my at-the-time nine year-old daughter, Lola.  I was so excited when my she agreed to train to run the Neverland 5K with me in Disneyland for Tinker Bell Weekend!  It was a totally different story when it came time for the 3:00 a.m. wake-up call, and that was with the three hour time difference in our favor!

Pre-race face plant. Too early!!
She came around eventually!

Running at least one runDisney race should be mandatory for every woman, regardless of age, shape or level of fitness.  It is a once in a lifetime experience (that for many of us becomes an addiction!) that is so empowering and female-focused that it’s hard to put into words.  Tiffany and I have now completed five challenge weekends together, and come back refreshed ready to resume our busy lives.  Our motto?  We’ll sleep when we’re dead!  LOL!

Who needs sleep? We have each other!!

While I wouldn’t change my bonding experience with my daughter for anything, running a runDisney race solo or with a friend (or friends!) is an amazing experience!  Getting up before the sun, seeing the Parks in a whole new way, and celebrating with champagne at the finish line are just a few of the reasons to runDisney child-free!

Cheers to my co-blogger and friend Jessica after the Wine & Dine Half!

1. Drinking Around the World

Okay, let’s face it.  You can only visit so many KidCot stops in Epcot before someone realizes that you and your hubby are trying to keep the kids busy while you surreptitiously try to sample a drink in every one of Epcot’s countries!  They colored multiple Duffys on sticks and had their Epcot passport books stamped while we took turns rushing around ordering Rose Margaritas in Mexico and Grand Marnier slushies in France!

Kidcot Stop in Epcot’s Norway!
Passports can be purchased at Epcot-so fun!

An adults-only trip allows you a more leisurely, responsible way to indulge! Not to mention you might even get to wander in a shop or two…something I never managed to do with two kids in tow!  (And it’s how I finally discovered the amazing Laila perfume in Norway!)

Tipsy Ducks in Love in Epcot’s China!
Coordinating my Grand Marnier cocktail with my Cheers Sparkle Skirt!

In truth, one of the greatest joys of my life has been introducing my children to Disney…but I have to admit, an adults-only trip is a close second!  Pack a carry-on bag and your lipstick and leave the Goldfish at home-you’re going to Disney!  I mean-someone has to eat these lobster nachos…and I know my kids won’t!

Our fave-Lobster Nachos with fresh jalopenos!

Jacqueline lives in Southbury, CT with her husband, two children and cat.  You can follow her on Instagram at @morphingintominnie.

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